Old age is tricky. One day you're full of the joys of spring, walking vigorously, managing your household duties, weeding your garden. You fall for the good day, making plans for the future, despite the fact that the day before you could barely walk. The next day the last fire from the burning candle disappears, leaving the lingering scent of smoke. You perish. Surprised. You die as you used to live.
And while the hidden camera was lying on the floor facing the wooden planks, not giving the viewers any chance of seeing what was going on in the hut, there were two bodies lying there as well. While stroke, heart attack or the general bad health state under a lot of pressure or sudden outbursts of emotions could be blamed for two brother's death, the real cause was to be left unknown.
They were lying there, with their eyes open, with their fists clenched, and their bodies twisted in an unnatural way. They died in the same house they were born in. Not the same exact place, as metaphors have rarely everything to do with reality, but the house which looked like the house their mother with pains and cramps of her fate gave birth to both of them. First Jacob. Then Melquiades. You will never know who died first, as the order of death is rarely the same as the order of birth. Maybe it was Jacob, killed by his brother's hits and kicks. Maybe it was Melquiades, as he was weaker than Jacob, and Jacob just died of humiliation seconds later. Maybe they died at the same time, strangling themselves with the same strength of teenage grudges.
And Melquiades was right. Regardless of the outcome of events, they would have died both. The system proved to be a useful device. Not only did it transfer the video messages to people, but also it gave access to the military system of N. With the simplicity of a board game, Melquiades was able to set the machine to launch missiles on the spot of the replica's house. Brothers were already dead when two major explosions shook the ground surrounding Jacob's asylum, leaving the place burned, destroyed and lifeless.